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How To Structure Your Suite Of Online Offers: A Strategic Business Design Method™ by April Beach

Online services, courses, memberships, and coaching programs offer a fantastic avenue to scale businesses for established entrepreneurs. But the way you structure your suite of online offers can either boost or break your business. In this article, we will delve into the insights shared by April Beach on her Strategic Business Design Method™ and how it can help design your company to achieve long-term lifestyle and profit goals. This method warns against the risk of launching any program outside this strategic framework.

Step 1: Start with the End in Mind

The first step is to envision the future of your business. Consider what your average workday, week, or month would look like. Are you working directly with clients? Are you operating remotely or from a traditional office space? Who are your primary contacts? What non-work-related activities do you engage in? By answering these questions, you can build your own custom business model that aligns with your personal and...

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The Power of Methodology and Frameworks: Unlocking Transformational Results for Your Business


In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, having a solid methodology and framework is the secret sauce for achieving remarkable business growth. These two components act as guiding principles, helping entrepreneurs create a system that not only guarantees predictable, measurable results but also increases efficiency and scalability. In this article, we will explore the importance of having a methodology and framework, how they differ from each other, and how they can revolutionize your business. So, let's dive in!

The Significance of Methodology:

A methodology is a set of principles, tools, and processes designed to guide clients towards achieving specific transformational results. It serves as your unique coaching method, developed from your intellectual property, experiences, expertise, beliefs, systems, and processes. This technique or system is the key to getting tangible results for your clients, enabling them to experience the transformation they desire. With...

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What’s The Difference Between an Offer and Program?

A quick reference guide for coaches and consultants looking to scale their business online. 

by April Beach


Are you a coach, consultant, or subject matter expert? This guide is for you. Today, we're simplifying two big terms that entrepreneurs can sometime confuse: 'offers' and 'products'. When you understand the difference, it’s like having a secret key to unlock your success. So, let's dive in. 


To watch the full training on YouTube, click HERE.


Offer vs Product: What's the Difference?

First things first, let's clear up some confusion. An 'offer' is what you're willing to provide, while a 'product' is the actual good or service. It sounds simple, but many people mix these up. Keep these definitions in your back pocket - they're going to be super important!


Offer = Your offer is what you’re willing to do and the parameters around your relationship serving your clients. Your offer is what makes people buy.


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How To Lead In Your Niche By Creating Your Scalable Leading Program or Offer



If you’re ready to make traction in your niche and be a business that stands out, it may be time to create a leading Program of Offer.  If you’ve been in business, any length of time, you’ve probably heard the term but may not know the full meaning, although you probably have an idea.  


“A leading program or offer is a unique service, that you create from your experience, method, framework, or expertise, that delivers predictable-transformational-measurable results”  - April Beach 


There are two kinds of leading offers; A Foundational Offer and an Influential Offer.  Let’s break it down.


A foundational offer, this is for those who have never created a leading offer or program before. You may be new in your niche. And the creation of your foundational offer gets you on the map, either in a certain area of expertise online or in a geographical area based on where you're located. Or it's for...

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Xo, April