3 Key Considerations Before Licensing Your Content

Licensing your content can be a game-changer for scaling your business and reaching a broader audience. For coaches, consultants, subject matter experts, speakers, authors, course creators, and thought leaders, offering your expertly crafted programs through licensing can significantly bolster your influence while generating passive income. However, there are a few fundamental considerations you need to weigh up before diving into this strategy.

1. Will You Be Selling It Yourself?

The first thing you need to think about is whether you intend to keep selling your content directly. Understanding whether you're moving entirely to a B2B model or maintaining a blend of B2B and B2C can significantly impact how you approach licensing.

If you continue selling directly, consider how that affects potential licensees who might be your direct competitors. It’s essential to ask yourself whether licensing your content to someone in direct competition with your market will be beneficial. Ideally, choose partners that align with your mission without cannibalizing your core business. If you’re exploring this in more detail or need tailored advice, connect with us to discover how to balance B2B and B2C models effectively while licensing your content.

2. Define Your Marketing Rules

Another critical factor is setting clear marketing rules for those who will distribute your licensed content. Unlike franchising, where you can enforce consistent marketing campaigns, licensing offers you limited control. You still have the power to set guidelines that maintain brand integrity and ensure your programs are communicated in the right way.

Think through what you want your licensees to convey about your content. What are the key values and messages that should always be included? Equally important, what should they never say? Establishing these boundaries is crucial for preserving the trust and reputation you’ve worked hard to build. If you need help framing these marketing guidelines, don’t hesitate to reach out for consultancy.

3. Set Pricing Parameters

Pricing is a delicate aspect of licensing and can impact your brand's perception and overall success. If you’re still selling your content, make sure your licensees are not priced out of the market. It wouldn't make sense for them to offer your training at a higher rate if your direct prices are lower. This disbalance could lead to confusion and dissatisfaction.

Decide if you’ll allow free giveaways or discounted sales and establish clear pricing rules that reflect the value of your content. Whether you're licensing a high-ticket mastermind program or supplementary digital resources, aligning the pricing strategy to the perceived value is critical. For more in-depth insights on setting the right price points and maintaining your brand's integrity through licensing, get detailed advice from our experts.


Licensing your content can pave the way for remarkable growth and diversification of your business, provided you approach it thoughtfully. Think through whether you’ll continue direct sales, establish solid marketing rules, and define your pricing strategies. Remember, each decision should reflect the value you offer and the transformations your content delivers.

For personalized advice on transitioning to licensing, check out our comprehensive resources, or connect with us directly to map out your licensing strategy. 

Visit www.sweetlifeco.com to get started and unlock the full potential of your content.

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