Top Content Licensing Mistakes to Avoid for Coaches & Consultants

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2024

Content licensing is a game-changer for coaches, consultants, subject matter experts, speakers, authors, and course creators looking to expand their reach and generate additional income. However, diving into licensing without proper knowledge can lead to costly mistakes. Today, I’m going to walk you through the most common errors and how you can avoid them, ensuring you protect your intellectual property and maximize your profits.


First up, let’s talk about pricing. Many people have no clue how to price their content for licensing, and if you get this wrong, you can end up seriously undercharging. It’s different from pricing your course or membership—we're talking about a whole new ball game. You need to consider operational expenses, legal costs, set-up fees, and the true value of your training within an organization. For example, I had a client who came to me with a $50,000 pricing idea, and after our assessments, her proposal ended up being three and a half times higher. Don't sell yourself short. If you need guidance, head over to to learn more about our pricing strategies.


Next, knowing the rules of licensing is crucial. We call these the Seven Levers of Licensing™—the parameters within which companies can use your content. Never enter a licensing conversation without these guidelines in place. If you’re not clear on your rules, you risk creating something custom and unrepeatable, making it impossible to relicense. Be firm with your parameters, but remember, you can always tweak them for the right deal. To understand these levers better, consider joining one of our training programs available at


Lastly, understand how to create a proper licensing offer. One major mistake is thinking you need to have your course completely built before you pitch it. Take my client Jill, for example. She licensed her course for $1.2 million to a university without having it fully developed. Building a licensing proposal involves structuring your content in a way that another entity can deliver it, which might not be the same way you teach it yourself. This planning stage is vital and can dramatically change the outcome of your licensing deals. Learn more about structuring your licensing offers correctly by visiting


Making these mistakes can lead to underpriced deals, long sales cycles, custom one-offs that can't be resold, and even the accidental giveaway of your IP. It’s not just about understanding the process; it’s about protecting and maximizing the value of your content. So, if you're ready to take the next step, don’t hesitate to apply for our help. You can find free resources, courses, and more at


Remember, the power of licensing can completely transform your business, but only if done correctly. I’ve walked this path, and I’m here to help you navigate it without the pitfalls. Let’s get your genius out into the world, the right way.


Article by April Beach


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