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4 Lies That Could Be Stopping You From Hosting Events That Grow Your Company

business events Feb 23, 2020

Let’s talk events, shall we?

Because the entrepreneurs out there who are hosting events are killing it!  And I want you to be able to get in on that action, too.

Online businesses have had massive growth in the last few years with no end in sight.  Great news, right?

But here’s the thing.  With everything going on in the virtual space, people are missing personal connections. 

In fact, your tribe is craving that connection that only comes with being in the same room as you, feeding off of your energy, and learning face-to-face.

I understand that this can be a huge, scary step for some of you out there.  I also know that if you have a business, you’ve had to take some scary steps already. 

Trust me when I tell you that I can totally relate.

My husband is the entertainer, not me.

He does the cooking, not me. He plans the hor dourves, not me. He rallies the troops, organizes the schedules, and makes sure the temperature in the room and music are perfect… not me. 

So when it came...

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3 Steps To Build a 6-figure Coaching Business While Working 9-5

coaching business Feb 09, 2020

Building a 6-figure coaching business while working a 9-5 may seem impossible, but let me fill you in on a little secret; it isn’t impossible. 

In fact, it is 100% doable, and I recently got the chance to connect with Luisa Zhou who did exactly that. 

While I often discuss building an online coaching business almost daily on the SweetLife Podcast, I don’t always hit on how to do it while still working full time. 

Since I’ve never worked a 9-5 a day in my life, I felt that Louisa Zhou’s perspective on this subject would be invaluable.

About 6 years ago, Luisa took her skills from her then 9-5 and she transitioned those same skills into an insanely profitable online coaching business.

We chatted about the simple steps that you can take to start a coaching business, how to price your first services, and how to scale with a course. 

We also got into what not to do in the process.

The takeaways from my conversation with Luisa are powerful, and you definitely should be taking notes i...

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Top 10 Lessons Learned, From 3 Years Of Podcasting

podcast Jan 12, 2020
3 years, 157 episodes, 18 countries, 120K+ downloads, 500+ hours of podcast production, and here we are! The SweetLife Entrepreneur Podcast™ is turning 3!
We are so grateful to you for tuning in and doing business-life with us for 1095 days. 
Launching this podcast was one of the best business decisions I ever made. It’s a true extension of my why which is “to inspire and equip women to design their life through entrepreneurship”. Producing the podcast is hard work, but because it aligns with my core purpose, it’s the good kind of hard. 
Thank you for those who’ve tuned in, shared our show and continued to trust us to help you grow a profitable lifestyle business. 
I often get asked questions about how I produce the show with 2 busy companies and three teenage boys with massive travel. It’s definitely not easy! This week in the show Britany Felix (our faithful podcast producer) and I are totally uncovering behind the...
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How to Launch Your Virtual Coaching Business

It’s that time of year when you assess all that you’ve done and plan your next business goals. As part of this process, I’m here to encourage you to think even bigger for 2020 by scaling your business online to make more money. 
It’s never been easier to be a small business owner. Software is simpler, there are systems you can follow, and the speed in which you can grow and scale your business is lighting fast.
I talk to entrepreneurs all over the world who are pushing themselves to create more results, make more money, and challenge themselves to new professional levels. As the movement of purpose-driven entrepreneurship grows, so does your authority to control and design their life through business success. How well you claim your entrepreneur authority will depend on the strategy you choose and how well you execute it. 
If you’re ready to shake up your local, 1-1, or established service-based business in 2020, consider taking your services virtually. By scaling your offe...
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A "Niching Hard" Story: How To Expand Your Reach Faster

Uncategorized Jul 30, 2018

I used to resent having a niche market. I got tired of only talking to the same people, interested in the same things... and I was craving more lives to help, more people coming my way, and more professional challenges.

Then, one day, I realized it's inadvertently hit gold... and that starting small was the way I was going to reach more people! 

Cc: 2009 - I owned (and I mean owned) the maternity business consulting industry. I had built the only international consulting firm, strategically designed to coach businesses who market to new and expecting families. I had niched hard and was the go-to expert in this space. Corporations, healthcare firms and doulas from all over the world wanted my programs and business expertise. With no marketing and no ad spend, I had a thriving business that was making bank (that still thrives today!).

The one and only reason for my success?

I niched my target market so specifically... I owned it.

Becoming the go-to expert in one space allowed me to ...

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Protect Her and We'll Protect You: World Oceans Day

Saturday is World Oceans Day 🌊🌏🦀

100% Sales from SweetLife Business System Program go to #surfriderfoundation today - and everyday!

(Yes! we do this 365 days a year actually!) 🌎🌊🐳🐠🐬🐡

I grew up in a culture where life revolved around the ocean. When I was 6, my stepdad starting waking me at 5 am for #dawnpatrol We'd throw on our suits, grab our boards and bundle up in our sweats and Uggs, jump into the Jeep (top off) and drive into the foggy, dark California morning looking for the best waves.

As I got older I understood more about how the ocean affected everything we do and love. The good and the bad... and I learned how little most people actually know about it.

We'd watch newbie Hawaii tourists walking on the reefs and stealing her treasures, killing the water with oily lotions and leaving their garbage in the sand.

Many people love the idea of the ocean, more than the ocean itself. They love the sun, the water and the sunsets, but are not willing to sacrifice for her. They are...

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A Mom Entrepreneur Manifesto: Setting the Record Straight

When I launched my first company, it was taboo to work from home with kids. Despite the fact that the company and industry I was creating, were about women empowerment… I remember hiding in my Honda Odyssey, for a TODAY Show interview, so they couldn’t hear my 3 boys. The irony…

Today women are launching companies while raising awesome kids a thousand times over. But the brand of the “mompreneur” still brings immediate thoughts of crafty homebodies who dabble in MLMs while baking cookies. And nothing could be further from the truth.

This manifesto is for those who are building businesses while breastfeeding, launching brands from beaches, and creating movements from kitchen tables. It’s time to set the record straight.

An Overdue Mompreneur Manifesto

I am a “lifestyle entrepreneur” . This means that I have intentionally built my business around time freedom, travel and the lives of my kids; their sports, school schedule, and everything else related to who I love. My decision to d...

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90% There

The Lifestyle Business Blog

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Xo, April