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3 Types of Content that Companies Will Line Up to License From Your Online Business

If you are considering licensing your content or courses from your online business for others to use, you probably have questions. Lots of them.  But let's begin with the most obvious:

What kind of content do companies want to license from an online business owner?

There are three types of content that companies will be interested to license from you. Let's dive in.


1: Actual Content

This is content that feeds every distribution channel.

Blogs, articles, newsletters, emails, images, and videos are all examples of this type of content; anything that another company needs to build its content distribution channels.

It is time-consuming and exhausting to constantly create new content so if you can ease that process by delivering amazing content for other companies to distribute on their channels you have a potential licensing opportunity.


2: Assets

Assets are anything that other companies need to support an end result or to add to their...

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6 Steps to Grow an Online Business and Build an Empire Without Paid Ads

We were extremely lucky to chat with Lorraine Dallmeier about her journey into entrepreneurship and her six steps to building an online empire without using paid ads.

An award-winning CEO of formula Botanica, the organic cosmetic formulation, and business school, which has trained over 13,000 organic cosmetic formulators and ND beauty entrepreneurs in 177 countries.

She was voted the most influential person in natural beauty for 2020 and was awarded the digital achiever of the year for the cosmetics industry by Google.


Lorraine, can you give everybody an introduction, share who you are, how you started out, and explain this amazing online empire that you have built?

I'm Lorraine. I run formula Botanica, I'm a biologist, I'm a chartered environmentalist and I am on a mission to teach the world to formulate.

I run formula Botanica, the online organic cosmetic formulation school, training people how to make their own natural skincare and haircare using botanical ingredients.


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How to License Your Online Course, Program, or Content to Increase Profit and Revenue

By April Beach 

Licensing your online courses, programs, and content is one of the best ways to exponentially increase profit and revenue in your online business.

But you may be wondering what licensing actually is.

Licensing is creating content for other companies to use so that they can grow faster, make more money, or provide better services and training for their people.

The Benefits of Licensing Your online Course, Program, or Content

  1. Licensing can help to establish you as a leader in your industry/niche/area of expertise.
  2. Licensing increases your credibility with your own audience - when your audience knows that other companies are buying your content they are assured of your ability to get them results.
  3. Licensing enables exponential scalability - you are now able to reach more people more easily as your name and expertise spread in new circles.
  4. Licensing enables an easy transition into new target markets without starting from scratch - you have the backing of existing...
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9 Lead Magnets That are Working in 2021

Lead magnets for your business are nothing new but trends in what actually works to attract today's audience is always changing.

You need to ensure that you are up to date with what's working to allow your business to continuously generate amazing high-quality leads towards your ideal clients.

So, what IS working when it comes to lead magnets right now in 2021?

First, let's clarify, what a lead magnet is - something of high value that you give away for free in exchange for a person's contact details or other information.

We call it a lead magnet because its purpose is to literally magnetize leads to your business and get potential clients to come to you.

What is working right now are customized and curated high value, low time lead magnets, and here are a few ideas of how that might look;


Entertaining Content

Think quick accomplishments or challenges, maybe something with group interaction - keep people entertained, have them laugh or feel good, allow them to be part of...

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What is a Signature Coaching Offer, Course or Program and Why Does Your Company Need One?

What is a signature coaching offer? 

A leading offer or program is a process that you create from your intellectual property that gives your clients transformational results. That offer also allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your space. It is important to note that no matter where you are in your business, your company needs a leading offer as it will propel your business in your market and in your niche. 

Join the upcoming Offer Engineering Live Masterclass here.

What a leading offer is and what it is not.

In order to gain the desired results from your leading offer, you need to ensure you are creating a true leading offer. In order to do that you need to know what a leading offer is and what it is not.

  • A leading offer extracts your expertise.
  • It is derived from your intellectual property. This will include your experience in your particular area. So this will not only include your wins but also your losses and how you overcame those losses.
  • Your...
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Xo, April