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How to License Your Online Course, Program, or Content to Increase Profit and Revenue

By April Beach 

Licensing your online courses, programs, and content is one of the best ways to exponentially increase profit and revenue in your online business.

But you may be wondering what licensing actually is.

Licensing is creating content for other companies to use so that they can grow faster, make more money, or provide better services and training for their people.

The Benefits of Licensing Your online Course, Program, or Content

  1. Licensing can help to establish you as a leader in your industry/niche/area of expertise.
  2. Licensing increases your credibility with your own audience - when your audience knows that other companies are buying your content they are assured of your ability to get them results.
  3. Licensing enables exponential scalability - you are now able to reach more people more easily as your name and expertise spread in new circles.
  4. Licensing enables an easy transition into new target markets without starting from scratch - you have the backing of existing
  5. ...
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How To Plan Your Next Team Retreat to Grow Your Online Business

Have you been thinking about planning your own team retreat for your online business but are wondering how to not only make it fun but also beneficial to your business?

Here are my top three tips for planning your next team retreat.

I'm a big advocate of creating opportunities for my global team to come together; the ideas that we produce, the energy we create, and, frankly, the love, respect, and admiration we show for each other are just amazing!

So here are the steps that I think can help you to make the time that you've invested in spending together even more productive and frankly so much more fun than you ever imagined.


Set a primary objective.

These are working retreats and so as a leader, it's important to set the primary aims and objectives;

  • Where are we going?
  • What are we focusing on?
  • What are the goals of this particular short period of time together?

If you schedule for a five-day retreat, those five days are going to fly by in what feels like five hours so ...

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Getting Over the Fear of Hiring Team Members

In podcast episode number 231, April chatted with Theresa Loe, founder of and a leadership and business coach for overworked entrepreneurs. She helps business owners streamline their operations and build self-managed teams so they can finally get their time back and scale with ease.

Theresa chatted with April and offered advice to help you get over the issues that may be stopping you from scaling and growing your business to the next level; how to get over your fear of hiring people.

So first of all, let's talk about why this is even a fear. What is the deal? What is the matter with us?

I have struggled with management over the years. It's not my strength. I have had to work very hard to learn, to become a better leader and manager and delegator.

As entrepreneurs we have all these ideas in our head and we think it's so much easier or it's so much faster if we just do it ourselves, but I'm going to tell you that, and I learned this the hard way, your busines...

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What is a Signature Coaching Offer, Course or Program and Why Does Your Company Need One?

What is a signature coaching offer? 

A leading offer or program is a process that you create from your intellectual property that gives your clients transformational results. That offer also allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your space. It is important to note that no matter where you are in your business, your company needs a leading offer as it will propel your business in your market and in your niche. 

Join the upcoming Offer Engineering Live Masterclass here.

What a leading offer is and what it is not.

In order to gain the desired results from your leading offer, you need to ensure you are creating a true leading offer. In order to do that you need to know what a leading offer is and what it is not.

  • A leading offer extracts your expertise.
  • It is derived from your intellectual property. This will include your experience in your particular area. So this will not only include your wins but also your losses and how you overcame those losses.
  • Your leading offe...
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5 Steps To Launch Your Services Online: Group Coaching

So maybe you are finding yourself in a place where your company is ready to scale, and you’ve reached capacity.


This a great opportunity for you to continue to reach your established customers AND gain more customers by launching group group coaching services.

When talking about group coaching, it's important to differentiate. This is actually for those of you who want to host a group where each individual in the group has their own story and their own track. 

Your clients still all have similar goals, and you still have to outline expectations for any group you launch, but each person is creating their own reality out of the instruction that you are giving.

And I LOVE this topic because my favorite thing to do is to connect with people live in a group.

There's so much fire and passion that goes into this type of coaching session. And people start talking and inspiring each other. It is one of the best ways to coach people.

Every coach’s experience is differen...

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Xo, April