Unlock the Power of Licensing: 5 Ways to Package Your Online Courses for Corporate Success

licensing May 22, 2023

As a course creator, expanding your business and profit potential might be as simple as adding a couple more zeros to the price of your program. By licensing your course or training program to corporations, agencies, organizations, and other entrepreneurs, you can tap into a powerful and underutilized strategy for growth. This article will explore five common ways to package your online course or training program for sale to other companies and corporations, helping you unlock the potential of reaching hundreds or even thousands of people through a single buyer.


  1. Straight License - Walk Away

    This approach involves licensing your online course or training program to another company for a one-time fee (with ongoing renewals). In this model, the buyer receives the rights to use your content, and you walk away with the revenue from the transaction. This method is ideal for course creators who want a simple, hands-off approach to licensing their content without the need for ongoing involvement or support.
  2. Licensing + Consulting

    In this model, you not only license your online course or training program to a corporation but also provide ongoing consulting services. This can include helping the buyer implement the course, providing expert advice and guidance, or offering support to ensure the course's success within their organization. This method allows you to maintain a more active role in the process, build stronger relationships with your clients, and generate additional revenue through consulting fees.
  3. Licensing + Train the Trainer (TT)

    With the Licensing + Train the Trainer model, you license your online course or training program to a corporation and also provide them with training on how to deliver the course effectively to their employees or customers. This can be an excellent way to ensure your course's quality and effectiveness while also allowing the buyer to customize the course delivery to suit their organization's specific needs. Additionally, this model enables you to generate revenue both from the licensing fee and the training services you provide.
  4. Licensing + Certification

    This approach involves licensing your online course or training program to another company and offering a certification program alongside it. The certification program may be aimed at the buyer's employees or customers, providing them with an opportunity to gain a recognized qualification upon completing the course. This method not only adds value to your course offering but also enhances your brand's credibility and authority in the industry. Moreover, it creates an additional revenue stream through the certification program fees.
  5. Certification + Licensing

    In this model, you first create a certification program for your online course or training and then license it to the individuals who are certified in your method. This allows the buyer to offer the course to their employees or customers, further enhancing the value of your offering. This approach enables you to generate revenue from both the certification program and the licensing fees while providing a comprehensive, high-value solution to your clients.

Licensing your online courses and training programs to corporations can open up a world of possibilities for generating millions of dollars in revenue from content you've already created. By understanding and choosing the right packaging method that suits your current business, you can tap into this untapped potential and take your course creation business to the next level. 


To work with us to license your course to other companies, visit www.sweetlifeco.com, www.licensinglaunchpad.com, and www.license2scale.com 


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