A Fast Action Training for Experts, Consultants, Coaches, Speakers & Authors


Licensing Launchpad™


How to Sell Your Course, Program, or Training To Corporations, Organizations, Agencies, Small Businesses, Schools, and other Entrepreneurs



Maximize Your Profits: Learn What Programs You Can License Right Now

Discover Which Programs the Leading 10 Industries Are Looking To Buy

Unlock The 5 Most Effective Ways to Package Your Program for Success

Accelerate Scaling: Create Your Licensing Action Plan™


Exclusive Access

We're offering complete access to Licensing Lauchpad™ at a reduced rate for a very limited time.

  • Short Videos for Busy CEOs
  • Step by Step Instruction
  • License Action Plan™
  • Worksheets & Cheat Sheets
  • Complete Industry Buying List

Bonuses To Get You Moving FAST:

  • The Amplify Selling System™: Discover Our Propriety Simple 4 Step Selling System (value $1000)
  • Who To Pitch List: Discover a list of targeted roles of people who typically buy programs, to find contacts for outreach or connect with them on LinkedIn (value, 40M in sales experience)
  • ChatGPT Prompts for Licensing: The perfect prompts to cut your research by 80% to find the best companies (value, decades of licensing experience)
  • Licensing Mindset: How to Play Big When You Feel Super Small (short video with come-to-Jesus thinking for success) 
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April Beach is an award-winning strategist who teaches entrepreneurs to scale their businesses online. She’s an author, speaker, online courses pioneer, and developer of some of the most trusted frameworks by coaches, consultants, and service-based experts reaching business and life victory.

April has been teaching experts to extract their genius, design their methods, architect their programs, and launch custom business models since 1996. Her guidance has led entrepreneurs in 56 countries to develop industry leading, transformational online courses, coaching programs, retreats, masterminds, memberships, events, certifications, and content licensing packages.

April has been featured on Today, MSNBC, and Fox News, in the New York Times, Austin Women’s Magazine, 5280 Magazine, the Denver Business Journal, and by Patagonia®. April has partnered with numerous leading brands to creatively expand their reach. She was named the “Greatest Thinker of 2012” by the Denver Post, and “Top 50 Moms In Podcasting” for her leading show, SweetLife® Entrepreneur.

Licensing Launchpad™


How to Sell Your Course, Program, or Training To Corporations, Organizations, Agencies, Small Businesses, Schools, and other Entrepreneurs




We're offering complete access to Licensing Lauchpad™ for a reduced rate for a limited time.

  • Short Videos for Busy CEOs
  • Step by Step Instruction
  • License Action Plan™
  • Worksheets & Cheat Sheets
  • Complete Industry Buying List
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